The Cleanse

Today 9/28/17 I start my very first cleanse! It is called the Purium 10 day Transformation cleanse and it is an all natural, unprocessed, vegan, gluten free, non GMO regimen that is supposed to completely detoxify and restart your system. It is made up of shakes, supplements, juices, and fresh veggies that flush out toxins and reboot your system by eliminating cravings for processed foods.

Today is 10/5/17 and I am on day 8 of my 10 day cleanse. I have dropped about 8 lbs and what seems to be by appearance quite a bit of body fat. I am feeling a lot leaner all around and my skin all over feels quite a bit tighter. My weight is currently the lowest it has ever been and I still have two more days to go. One positive thing that I noticed last night was I sat down to eat a very regularly sized salad that had no dairy and no meat and I was about 3/4 of the way through my salad and I was extremely full almost to the point of discomfort. When that happened I became very excited. I was excited because I knew that realizing that was the first step to watching my portion sizes and the types of foods that I put into my body. IMG_3734 (2)

One of the most exciting things about this cleanse is waking up in the morning feeling very refreshed and very slimmed and fit. I looked in the mirror today and said to myself, “This is the best physical condition I have ever been in, in my entire life.” My arms were toned, along with my legs, and my stomach fat was greatly reduced and feeling very flat. I put on my purple lulus that I never wear because they are too tight and uncomfortable. I can’t wait to see what happens in the final days. IMG_3731 (2)